
Christmas Lighting

Using light, we create beautiful and comfortable urban space full of Сhristmas miracle vibes!

What light can do?
Each Zodiak Christmas and New Year installation is a new project like no other.
We prefer an individual approach to each order with no standard typical solutions.

In most countries, winter is full of short and cloudy days. But winter is also a time of the most long-awaited and beloved holidays - Christmas and New Year! Its atmosphere fulfills streets with real magic and light, despite the long evenings.

Creating a festive and comfortable atmosphere for citizens is not the only purpose of Christmas and New Year installations. An interesting and beautifully decorated city can become a center for event tourism. As a great example — Moscow festival "Journey to Christmas", that is well known for its Christmas street lighting.  In the 2019-2020 winter season, the festival was attended by over 26 million people, including guests from different parts of Russia and foreign tourists. One of the main goals of their journey was to see Christmas light decorations.

Our Christmas and New Year lighting is not about simply putting on the streets typical LED sculptures that you can find in any city. We consider Christmas lighting as a set of decorative elements united by idea and style. And this idea should comply with the character and features of the location. That's why each of our Christmas lighting projects is unique and one of a kind.

Things we consider
What are the advantages of our New Year's installations?
As a basis, we take ideas that create a positive image of the place and the entire city. Our lighting works become centers of attraction for people.

Objects we create have a connection with the history, culture, and traditions of the city and the location. Depending on the tasks, they can emphasize the features of the location or hide it.

Our installations are autonomous and at the same time stable, do not need additional fastening. We provide protection against precipitation, wind, high humidity, etc.

We make sure that our objects decorate the city both in the evening and in the daytime. We pay great attention to the way installations look in an urban environment when their lights are turned off.

Our unique development of seasonal re-furnishing (change of parts) makes it possible to turn Christmas installations into Easter and others.

The result of our work is a beautiful and comfortable urban space! A space with a festive atmosphere, where people receive unforgettable impressions!

Service Gallery

Stages of processing
We provide the whole complex of works

Layout designing

Preparing technical project and estimate


Delivery and installation
